Despite ongoing challenges, Tigray’s industrial sector is showing signs of recovery with the launch of 227 new businesses in the past nine months, according to Minister of Industry Melaku Alebel.
Closed industries are also reopening in Tigray. In March this year, It was reported that Mekelle Industrial Park was back in business. The park is located in Mekelle, Tigray, 760 km from Addis Ababa. It started operations in 2017 and specializes in Apparel and Textile and 100% exportable products. After the peace agreement was signed between the Federal Government of Ethiopia and Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) on November 2, 2022, IPDC’s team confirmed that the Industrial Park was undamaged during the conflict, and the investors’ property and machinery remained safe.
It was also reported in November last year that a steel manufacturing industry was set to be constructed in Mekele city through a collaboration between Ethiopian and Chinese investors, with an estimated cost of Birr 6 billion. The project reportedly garnered attention from other private and associational investors, who saw it as a positive example to be followed for mutual benefit and national development. The anticipated impact of the project includes the creation of job opportunities for around 6,000 people.
Source: Fana BC and 2Merkato Archives